Ferdinand Waas, born 06.08.1998, Ingolstadt (GER) based in The Hague (NL)
02/2025 - ‘nada más que la verdad’ - segismundo, Guatemala City, GT
12/2024 - ‘Tense Tides’ - Niuew Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
11/2024 - ‘Old - New’ - weseeitems, Tbilisi, GEO
11/2024 - ‘A Letter from a Friend’ - bacio_collective, Bern, CH
10/2024 - ‘Piratebay and Chill’, DDD Kunst House, Yerevan, AM
09/2024 - ‘Show Match’, K4, Olso, NOR
09/2024 - ‘De Wasstraat’ , NAP+, Amsterdam, NL
12/2023 - ‘Praxis’ , fluent space, Santander, ESP
07/2023 - ‘how do we grieve?’, Garage Grande, Wien, AT
07/2023 - ‘Oerlikon Dream House’, Hürst Haus, Zürich, CH
06/2023 - ‘everything that grows underground’, West, The Hague, NL
09/2022 - ‘Diagonale 4/ Transfinite', Verwalterhaus, Berlin, DEU
07/2022 - ‘But s/he endorsed the sheen’, Vrij Palais, Amsterdam, NL
05/2022 - ‘Mmmmmmmmmarshmellow Cube’, Gallery 1, KABK, The Hague, NL
03/2022 - ‘Tread Carefully’, Einar Jonsson Museum, Reykjavik, IS
06/2022 - ‘The Creation of the world the now the end’, Aeden II, Berlin, DEU
03/2022 - ‘opening hours’, Treptower Ateliers, Berlin, DEU
03/2022 - ‘take over’, Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp, BE
02/2022 - ‘James P. Sullivan, the soul of the tragedy is the prolonging of the uncertainty as much as possible’, h__s, Antwerp, BE
02/2022 - ‘theater as a frame’, eye museum, Amsterdam, NL
11/2021 - ‘UA006050455LV’ white box KHIO, Oslo, NOR
09/2021 - ‘URLAUB’, Wilhelm Hallen 2, Berlin, GER
04/2021 - ‘solar fiction’, Galleria Aarni+Aalto university, Helsinki, FIN
09/2020 - ‘a means to an end’, Basement Berlin/atelier rosenbaum, Berlin, GER
06/2020 - ‘hide&seek’, Antwerp, BE
11/2019 - ‘this human world festival’,Vienna, AT
07/2019 - ‘Blank’,Harderbastei, Ingolstadt, GER
06/2019 - ‘Enhalon’ - Festival, Struga, NMK
06/2019 - ‘the real simulation’, die Angewandte, Vienna, AT
05/2019 - ‘Taifun’, Spektakel, Vienna, AT
film programming/curating:
2024: ‘As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember’, K4 galleri, Oslo, NOR
2023 - ongoing: Make Dox, Skopje, NMK
2023 - ongoing: Anafi International Film Festival, Anafi, GR
2022 : Kunsthall Extra City/ Het Bos, Antwerp, BE
2023: art direction - ‚football pikante‘/espn, MX
2023: production design - ‚no future kids‘, GR
2022: production design - ‘Einzelteile’, AUT
2021: production design - ‘Az utca vege’, AUT/HU
2021: creative supervisor - ‘5pm seaside’, AUT/GR
2023: Love after love, Editor: Wu Mengwhua, The Greenroom
2023: Radical Fashion Exercises - A Workbook for Modes and Methodes, Editors: Laura Gardner, Daphne
Mohajer va Pesaran, Valiz, ISBN 978-94-93246-19-5
2024: Wie wir trauern. On Loss and Transformation, Editor: highbrow institude
09-11/2024 - weseeitems/ Goethe Institute, Tiblisi, GEO
10/2024 - sleepover reseidency, :DDD Kunst House, Yerevan, AM
09/2023 - Foundation 17, Pristina, RKS
10/2022 - Secret Club, Athens, GR
05/2019 - Brashnar Creative Project, Skopje, NMK
2020-2024, BA fine arts, KABK, the Hague, NL,
2023 fine arts, ASFA, Athens, GR
2018-2020 BA social and cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, AT
2018-2020 theory of architecture, TU Vienna, AT