Ferdinand Waas 


Ferdinand Waas, born 06.08.1998, Ingolstadt (GER) based in The Hague (NL)

02/2025 - ‘nada más que la verdad’ - segismundo, Guatemala City, GT 


12/2024 - ‘Tense Tides’ - Niuew Dakota, Amsterdam, NL 

11/2024 - ‘Old - New’ - weseeitems, Tbilisi, GEO

11/2024 - ‘A Letter from a Friend’ - bacio_collective, Bern, CH  

10/2024 -  ‘Piratebay  and Chill’, DDD Kunst House, Yerevan, AM

09/2024 - ‘Show Match’, K4, Olso, NOR  

09/2024 - ‘De Wasstraat’ , NAP+, Amsterdam, NL 

12/2023 - ‘Praxis’ , fluent space, Santander, ESP 

07/2023 - ‘how do we grieve?’, Garage Grande, Wien, AT 

07/2023 - ‘Oerlikon Dream House’, Hürst Haus, Zürich, CH

06/2023 - ‘everything that grows underground’, West, The Hague, NL 

09/2022 - ‘Diagonale 4/ Transfinite', Verwalterhaus, Berlin, DEU

07/2022 - ‘But s/he endorsed the sheen’, Vrij Palais, Amsterdam, NL 

05/2022 - ‘Mmmmmmmmmarshmellow Cube’, Gallery 1, KABK, The Hague, NL 

03/2022 - ‘Tread Carefully’, Einar Jonsson Museum, Reykjavik, IS 

06/2022 - ‘The Creation of the world the now the end’, Aeden II, Berlin, DEU 

03/2022 - ‘opening hours’, Treptower Ateliers, Berlin, DEU

03/2022 - ‘take over’, Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp, BE

02/2022 - ‘James P. Sullivan, the soul of the tragedy is the prolonging of the  uncertainty as much as possible’, h__s, Antwerp, BE 

02/2022 - ‘theater as a frame’, eye museum, Amsterdam, NL

11/2021 - ‘UA006050455LV’ white box KHIO, Oslo, NOR 

09/2021 - ‘URLAUB’, Wilhelm Hallen 2, Berlin, GER

04/2021 - ‘solar fiction’, Galleria Aarni+Aalto university, Helsinki, FIN 

09/2020 - ‘a means to an end’, Basement Berlin/atelier rosenbaum, Berlin, GER

06/2020 - ‘hide&seek’, Antwerp, BE

11/2019 - ‘this human world festival’,Vienna, AT

07/2019 -  ‘Blank’,Harderbastei, Ingolstadt, GER 

06/2019 - ‘Enhalon’ - Festival, Struga, NMK

06/2019 - ‘the real simulation’, die Angewandte, Vienna, AT

05/2019 - ‘Taifun’, Spektakel, Vienna, AT

film programming/curating:

2024: ‘As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember’, K4 galleri, Oslo, NOR 

2023 - ongoing: Make Dox, Skopje, NMK

2023 - ongoing: Anafi International Film Festival, Anafi, GR

2022 : Kunsthall Extra City/ Het Bos, Antwerp, BE


2023: art direction - ‚football pikante‘/espn, MX 

2023: production design - ‚no future kids‘, GR 

2022: production design  - ‘Einzelteile’, AUT 

2021: production design  - ‘Az utca vege’, AUT/HU

2021: creative supervisor - ‘5pm seaside’, AUT/GR


2023: Love after love, Editor: Wu Mengwhua, The Greenroom

2023: Radical Fashion Exercises - A Workbook for Modes and Methodes, Editors: Laura Gardner, Daphne
Mohajer va Pesaran, Valiz, ISBN 978-94-93246-19-5

2024: Wie wir trauern. On Loss and Transformation, Editor: highbrow institude


09-11/2024 - weseeitems/ Goethe Institute, Tiblisi, GEO 

10/2024 - sleepover reseidency, :DDD Kunst House, Yerevan, AM 

09/2023 - Foundation 17, Pristina, RKS 

10/2022 - Secret Club, Athens, GR 

05/2019 - Brashnar Creative Project, Skopje, NMK


2020-2024, BA fine arts, KABK, the Hague, NL, 

2023 fine arts, ASFA, Athens, GR

2018-2020 BA social and cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, AT

2018-2020 theory of architecture, TU Vienna, AT 

Show Match

In the framework of a Show Match on the 16th of June 2024, two memory athletes, Katie Kermond and Don Michael Vickers, were playing an altered version of a usual match. In a usual competition match, the categories in which the athletes are competing use randomly generated data as grounds to compare their memory capacities.

For this particular match, the data devoid of meaning was replaced with emotional/personal data sourced from the athletes’ own lives, such as birthdays of loved ones, pictures of known faces and locations, and words they use a lot in their daily life

The match was hosted and streamed live on Twitch as a show match for the memory sports community in collaboration with Johannes Mallow, a two time memory world champion and an active ambassador for memory sports and the official outlet of Memory League, an online memory sports platform. The recording is show in the form of a video projection.

video 1:32:23

Ode to Joy/ოდა სიხარულს

The project Ode to Joy/ოდა სიხარულს — realised in collaboration with former members of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra, Igor Loboda in Ingolstadt and Nodar Jvania in Tbilisi, as well as current students of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire and Ilia State University — draws on a history of cultural displacement and the enduring power of European symbolism.

During the two-month residency, Ferdinand Waas specifically investigated the historical and contemporary presence of European ideals and their expression through music. Through the process of learning to play Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the anthem of the European Union, on the violin — under the guidance of former members of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra, Igor Loboda and Nodar Jvania — Waas identified in the amplified presence of Ode to Joy not only a symbol of European ‘solidarity’, as in accompanying the ongoing protests on Tbilisi’s streets as a form of resistance since the 26th of October 2024, but also a tool for exploring the collective memory and identity of current and future displaced artists.

The residency resulted in an adapted score of Ode to Joy, arranged with the help of Alex Uturgaidze. The score contrasts the original violin notes with Waas’s own imperfect attempts to play, reflecting his current level of skill after learning the violin in Tbilisi as an unmusical EU citizen taught by former members of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra.

Showcasing Waas’s inability to professionally perform Ode to Joy, the project is featuring a live performance of the European anthem, presented together with a string quartet consisting of Lika Kalmakhelidze, Mariam Iakobidze, Natali Turiatkova, and Salome Stroganova.

prints 21.0 x 29.7 cm

Pirate Bay and Chill 

In the framework for the 5 night sleepover residency at the :DDD Kunst House, Ferdinand Waas is facilitating a screening program sourced from recommendations through local grindr and tinder hookups. What is your favorite film? - He will be asking in the sheds in the bed within the project space. These films will be pirated and shown in the evening of the date to the public. 

The experience of bootlegging, domain switching, and the recurring "not supported in your region" message resonates with queer realities, particularly in terms of access and visibility. Both digital piracy and queer existence demonstrate how communities navigate restrictive environments, forging new paths to access what is otherwise unavailable.

Much like The Pirate Bay’s tactic of shifting domains in 2015—from a Swedish domain to an Armenian one—queer communities adopt similar strategies of resilience and empowerment. In contexts where queer content or resources are blocked or censored, piracy itself can become a strategy for access, allowing individuals to bypass restrictions and tap into global networks of media, information, and support. By engaging in forms of digital bootlegging or using alternative platforms, queer individuals can subvert barriers, ensuring they remain connected.  

For the screening program Ferdinand will be sharing the proposed movies that provide a temporary retreat, situation to gather/encounter and a provide space for the local community to rest for approx. 90 min each evening. 

screening program 

Burn to Runn

born to runn by Ferdinand Waas is a sonic homage to cover versions often heard in bars or cafés—where limitations lead to reinterpretations rather than original expressions. Created for Nieuw Dakota’s farewell event Beyond Expiration Date?, this compilation of sung and hummed tunes by members of the Nieuw Dakota community, including former employees, visitors, and donors, reflects the bittersweet nature of endings, drastic cuts, and transformation.  


Vampire Diary

Following leads of friends and acquaintances on the question ‘where would you go to meet vampires?’ throughout a month in CDMX. Written experiences in a diary.

book, prints  14.8 x 21

[wind blows softly (wanted to add leaves)]

Foreign Movies in Kosovo are shown in original language with added subtitles. Movies from Kosovo are shown internationally in albanian language with added subtitles. Recent subtitles of movies made in Kosovo were read internationally. And gained recognition.

While spending some days in Pristina this summer I listened to multiple conversations, a melt of albanian and english - a constant state of translation.(Translation as a physical state of being.) Generally translators are often asked to wear black. Invisibility as a criterium for professionality and quality of work.

Invisible labour to serve accessibility to be understood. Translation as a method to be understood and gain visibility. Kosovo’s urgency is to be visible and gain international recognition via cultural export. 

Subtitles as soft diplomacy, as access point in understanding and facilitating connections. A progressive diplomatic tool.The project intends to engage with the infrastructure for - and practice of translating. 

In conversation with translators of four recent Kosovo internationally acclaimed feature films about their personal relations and interpretations to the script.

62 slides in diaprojector


Since I know there are no controls, I do purchase tickets: observations of solidarity in the metro stations of Athens 

Ticket receipts, transcripts from voice notes made in the Victoria and Attiki station, Athens, 6.3.2023 

Published in ‘Love after love’ edited by Wu Mengwhua for the show ‘Love after Love’, The Greenroom, Amsterdam, NL/04/2023 

scans 21x29cm

As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember

‘As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember’ is an ongoing multi-legged research work by Ferdinand Waas, departing from individually recollected memories of the collectively-experienced ‘glory’ that was the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

The Olympic Games of 2004 in Athens, soon to be celebrating its 20th anniversary, carries historical, economic, and political importance and contrasts with the societal decay that followed. Nevertheless, the memory of it remains to be a mass- scale sense of euphoria, celebration, and perhaps even a tool for escapism for the nation. It remains to be a prominent drop filling up pools of memory, including that of the artist.

Departing from the intimate moments remembered by individuals as a moment of collectivity around the summer ’04, Ferdinand Waas maps out the dynamics of this historical arena of grandeur that precedes an impending collapse. 

As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember recollects the memory of the event via the original score composed by John Psathas for the Olympic Games’ opening ceremony.

 In asking for a citizen to hum the score in the way they presently remember, Waas showcases the decay of collective memory through individual moments of reminiscence. The humming of the score can be read to individual fragments of remaining memory.

The patchwork video, presenting broadcasting footage of Dutch athletes making contact with victory throughout different branches of sports, is a retelling of this historical era experienced by many all around the world, suggesting our memory to be a selective tool in regards to success stories and how they interact with time.

The athletes invited to West Den Haag, the former American embassy building, have competed in the Athens Olympics Games for The Netherlands, joining us on the 2nd of June for a non-broadcasted reunion. A re-witnessing through the lens of the artist. Attempting to reactivate collective memory together through individual fragments from the summer of 2004.

Shown at ‘everything that grows underground’, West, The Hague, NL/06/2023 and ‘Oerlikon Dream House’, Hürst Haus, curated by Matteo Kramer for Zürch Gallery Weekend, Zürich, CH/07/2023

video 3:25


Joining Facebook Hiking groups to engage in conversations with experts in positions of power.

1.Governmental advisor to Romania
2.US-Navy representative to Greece
3.Head of Google south Europe
4.Two programers working for cyber security in Turkey
5.Nutritionist working for the Greek health ministry Etc.

video recorded on Iphone  4:29

AllGoodThings (ComeToAnEnd)

Everytime - 
Brithney Spears
Chasing Cars - 
Snow Patrol
Say Something - 
AGreatBigWorld,Christina Aguilera
High Hopes - 
Go Solo - 
Tom Rosenthal
Dancing On My Own - 
Calum Scott
Stay With Me - 
Sam Smith
Wrecking Ball - 
Miley Cyrus
All Good Things (Come To An End) -
Nelly Furtado

Shown at - ‘Diagonale 4/ Transfinite', Verwalterhaus, Berlin, DEU/09/2022 and ‘how do we grieve?’, Garage Grande, Wien, AT/07/2023

participatory karaoke performance
duration of a  mass  approx. 40:00

Anthology of the past five days

The two performers spent the five days prior to the performance together, observing, taking notes, harvesting sounds, retelling conversations we had and listening to each other. Resulting in a time - specific audio piece on which upon physical memory is activated.

Collaboration with Lena Neuburger 

Shown at ‘Praxis - open sessions’, fluent space, Santander, ESP/12/2023 and ‘opening hours’, Treptower Ateliers, Berlin, DEU/03/2022 


fast forward/rewind 

fast forward - The entire production budget was spent on 1,000 carbon dioxide canisters (12 kg of gas) which will be released over the course of the exhibition.

rewind - A tree was planted (52.1754479, 4.3986458), which will absorb an average of 12 kg CO2 over the course of the next year.

Spiraling around theory while googling in the shade. Accelerationism, the idea that ‘social processes, such as capitalist growth and technological change, should be drastically intensified to further radical social change.’ Alternatively, capitalism's internal contradictions and instabilities, as it speeds up, can jeopardize its growth and cause its collapse. Fading into speculative realism, ‘fatal strategies’.Land’s celebrated concept of Hyperstitions (hyper + superstitions). Ideas which, ‘once downloaded into the cultural mainframe, engender apocalyptic positive feedback cycles’. Which – by their very existence as ideas – function causally to bring about their own reality. Self-fulfilling prophecies. Untangling the nest. The ‘hyper-object’ of climate collapse; caught between leaving anxiety and proactive behavior. Sometimes wishing we’d gone into consulting or banking or water management.Feeling the chemical cold of the CO2 canister in the hand as it empties, while 59 km away an elderly couple talks about applying sunscreen, on the picnic bench near our tree.

Callaboration with Frans van Hoek 

Shown at ‘But s/he indorsed the sheen’ curated by the sirius collective, Vrij Palais, Amsterdam, NL/07/2022

site - specific installation, performance 

Can I have another minute ?

Average time spent in Museum Cafe: 15 - 30 min

Average time spent solving a 150 piece jigsaw puzzle: 20-30 min

A pile of six transparent boxes is positioned on the counter of the cafe/bar of the museum. In each of the boxes is a 150 piece jigsaw puzzle. The individual puzzles show menus of museum cafes. Rijksmuseum, Peggy Guggenheim Venice, Louvre Abu Dhabi, Museo Reina Sofia, MoMa,Centre Pompidou. These are free to take and construct during a break while visiting. 

Shown at ‘take over’ at Kunsthall Extracity, Antwerp, BE/03/2022

6 puzzels  420x229